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When you buy something on the amanitamuscariastore.online website or browse products / services, we collect personal information that you share with us. We have developed a privacy policy ('Policy') that describes how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information.

By purchasing on the amanitamuscariastore.online website, you agree to:

collection and use of your information and data specified in this Policy;

use of cookies; receiving electronic messages sent to inform you about the activities and special offers of our website. This Policy applies only to information and data collected on our website and does not apply to any other websites. This Policy does not apply to the activities of companies that we do not control or people with whom we do not have an employment relationship.

By accepting this Policy, you agree to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your information in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

Collected information

The following information about you may be collected and stored by us: name and surname, e-mail address - for individuals; the company name; surname, first name, patronymic of the representative of the company; email address; contact phone number and address - for legal entities; additional information that we may request from you if the previous information provided by you cannot be verified; information that you voluntarily provide to us. Use of information

We use the information you provide to us to fulfill any orders placed on our website (including processing your payment information, arranging for delivery and providing you with invoices and/or other documents confirming the order). Additionally, we use the information for the following purposes:Communication with you.Checking orders for potential risk or fraud.Providing you with information or advertising about our products or services.