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Pine needles
Pine needles
Pine needles

Pine needles


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The Benefits of Pine Needle Tea:

- Vitamin C, the leaves have up to four times more than oranges. Take care not to boil your tea, though, or you will break down the vitamins.
- Vitamin A; good for vision, hair, skin and making blood cells.
- Anti Cancer properties; A 2006 study on mice given pine needle extract found the needles to have cancer and tumour prevention potential.
- Great for colds and flu because it helps decongest and soothe sore throats.
Helpful for allergies - much like drinking Chamomile tea, ingesting pollen helps your body learn not to treat pollens as a foreign invader, reducing your hayfever response.
- May reduce blood pressure.
- Slows oxidative stress, which is great for post-workout and might slow aging.
- There might be antidepressant qualities to the tea (but it's only been studied on rats)

Not recommended while pregnant. It could put the little one at risk, so we recommend holding off if you're brewing a future tea lover.Is a mild diuretic, so keep up the water too.

This dietary supplement is not a drug. Does not replace a varied and balanced diet. It is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist before use, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking medication.

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